Qatari - Local National Companies and Global Companies with interest in Qatar


!! Save a life Today !!
The drug used to be sold in USA but later banned when attorneys could prove its link to HIV virus and Aids disease. Eventually it was stopped in USA but still being sold to France , Spain , Japan , Latin America and other countries in Asia and Middle East.

Many children with hemophilia died using this product and their infected relatives as well. WATCH the CNBC TV interview.

Globalization in the News. Globalization Turns the World Visible.

Globalization and the oil wealth experienced by some countries are encouraging nations and individuals to seek the best formula to manage their national wealth and assets.  How can we create sustainable prosperity for more of the population, and within the current financial market architecture. SESSION 3  - Monday 25th February 2008. Jeddah Economic Forum


Africa in the News. National and Moral interests of the United States of America.

"My trip here is a way to remind future presidents and future Congresses that it is in the national interest and in the moral interests of the United States of America to help people," Bush said. AP via Yahoo!

Middle East, Gulf and Asia in the News. Abandoned anchor cut Gulf Internet cable

Egypt's telecommunication ministry said no ships were registered near the location at the time.
CAIRO, Egypt - An abandoned anchor was responsible for cutting one of the undersea Internet cables severed last week, causing disruptions across the Middle East (Algeria, Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen) and parts of Asia, the cable's owner said Friday.  AP via Yahoo!

Global Warming.

"Tipping point" on horizon for Greenland ice
OSLO (Reuters) - Global warming this century could trigger a runaway thaw of Greenland's ice sheet and other abrupt shifts such as a dieback of the Amazon rainforest, scientists said on Monday.  Full Article